Dog Bite And Hold Owners 4-Years Old Child On The Neck Till He Give Up The Ghost(Photos)


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A dog in River state bite a girl on a bottom, and killed a boy.

According to information share on Babie are beautiful Facebook page said that the dog run out of the house and enter schools, the dog first bite a girl on a bottom, then follow the boy, as the dog catch, it used teeth to hold the boy on the neck, all effort to rescue the boy from the dog prove abortive, until mopol come and then shoot the dog with a gun before the could rescued the boy, by then is too late. The boy was rush to a near by hospital but did not make it.

Read the full story from Babies are Beautiful Facebook page; This happened on Wednesday, in Portharcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria.

She dressed her kids and took them to school.

Unfortunately a Rottweiler being fed ran out from the house into their school premises and started chasing the school children.

The dog bite a girl on her buttocks and held unto this boy’s throat eating it, until a mopol shot the dog after the angry mop tried to kill the dog.

The child was rushed to the nearest hospital after everything, he couldn’t survive it.

I myself have pondered over these, with all our struggles of being safe and keeping our families safe…….safety is of the Lord.

Let’s pray that God will give the family the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.

Rest in peace


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